
Winterizing Your Pool

Winterizing Your Pool: Steps to Take for Proper Pool Winterization

Winterizing your pool is essential to safeguard it against the harsh effects of winter. Follow these steps to properly winterize your pool and protect it during the cold months. Key Takeaways: Test, balance, and clean the water to ensure proper winterization. For in-ground pools, drain the system, add winterizing chemicals, and cover the pool. For

Winterizing Your Pool: Steps to Take for Proper Pool Winterization Read More »

designer pool covers A dog standing next to a swimming pool, offering entertainment and relaxation by displaying playful behavior or cooling off during the warm season.

Guide to closing your pool for the season, including cleaning and covering

Closing your pool for the winter season is a crucial step to protect your investment and ensure a smooth pool opening in the spring. Regular pool maintenance throughout the year is essential to keep the water clean and safe for swimming. Regular cleaning and upkeep not only maintain water clarity but also extend the lifespan

Guide to closing your pool for the season, including cleaning and covering Read More »

designer pool covers A blue pool skimmer effectively managing leaves and maintaining optimal pool water levels.

Guide to Opening Your Pool for the Season, Including Removing Covers and Restarting Equipment

Opening your pool for the season requires careful preparation and a step-by-step approach. Before you can enjoy your pool for the summer, you need to properly open and prepare it. Opening an above ground pool can be a DIY project that becomes easier with practice. Opening your pool ensures that the water is clean and

Guide to Opening Your Pool for the Season, Including Removing Covers and Restarting Equipment Read More »

designer pool covers A man in a green shirt is managing pool water levels while working on a swimming pool.

Guide to understanding and maintaining the correct chemical balance in a swimming pool.

Maintaining the correct chemical balance in a swimming pool is crucial for crystal-clear and sparkling water. The three main types of inground swimming pools are fiberglass, vinyl liner, and concrete, with fiberglass pools being the easiest to maintain due to their nonporous surfaces. Fiberglass pools have the lowest short-term and long-term maintenance costs compared to

Guide to understanding and maintaining the correct chemical balance in a swimming pool. Read More »