What are the cons of covering pool?

Negatives of Pool Covers: What to Consider

The choice to use a pool cover comes with a multitude of considerations, extending far beyond the simple intention to protect your swimming area. While seen as a practical investment by many, there exist several pool cover disadvantages that warrant attention. In the sunny climes of South Africa, a pool serves not just as a means to cool off, but as a centerpiece of home leisure and aesthetics. Unveiling the layers of reasons to avoid pool covers reveals a series of pool cover cons and risks that could leave your tranquil backyard retreat less inviting. Though practical in certain respects, the negatives of using a pool cover are manifold and deserve a careful look before diving into a decision.

Homeowners looking to protect their pools from debris and evaporation might find their solutions laden with unintended setbacks. The pragmatic nature of pool covers often collides with the overt reasons to avoid pool covers, such as aesthetic misalignment, laborious handling, and the spatial demands of storage. As the South African summer beckons one outdoors, the idea of wrestling with a cumbersome pool cover or dealing with the visual disconnect it introduces might give pause to even the most pragmatically minded pool owner.

Key Takeaways

  • Pool covers can significantly disrupt the beauty and visual appeal of home outdoor spaces.
  • Manual and even automatic pool covers present challenges, from time-intensive management to high costs.
  • Pooling solutions for custom designs often entail additional expenses and sourcing difficulties.
  • Practical as they may be, pool covers could limit the spontaneous use and enjoyment of your pool.
  • Environmental conditions may affect the lifespan and effectiveness of your pool cover, leading to extra expenses.
  • Spatial requirements for pool cover storage can be a major consideration in space-constrained properties.

Diminished Aesthetic Appeal of Your Outdoor Oasis

Deploying a pool cover, despite its functional benefits, introduces several drawbacks of pool covers that can unfavorably alter the visual charm of garden landscapes. It’s a common quandary for pool owners where practicality seems to battle with the allure of a pristine pool, a centerpiece that once exuded tranquility and luxury now lies hidden beneath an obtrusive shield.

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The Unsightly Aspect of Practicality

In the quest for cleanliness and energy conservation, the pool cover negatives emerge through a stark visual compromise. What was once a vibrant blue, reflective surface now becomes a mere silhouette beneath a drab tarpaulin or rigid lid. The once seamless blend of architecture and nature that graced your outdoor setting succumbs to the subdued tones and clumsy appearance of pool covers.

Limiting Your View and Enjoyment of Water

Indeed, one of the prime drawbacks of pool covers is their stifling effect on the aesthetic and sensory enjoyment of poolside experiences. From within your abode, the calming view of glistening water is replaced by the stagnant sight of covered concealment, diluting the pleasures of your outdoor oasis. Such a change promotes a negative impact of pool covers on aesthetics, stirring a sense of confinement rather than the unbounded delight water bodies traditionally offer.

Aspect of Outdoor SpaceWithout Pool CoverWith Pool Cover
Visual ImpactHighly inviting with reflective charmReduced appeal due to visual interruption
Ease of EnjoymentUnobstructed view facilitating relaxationImpeded view impacting relaxation and aesthetic joy
Integration with LandscapeComplements garden design and natural beautyOften clashes with garden aesthetic and design flow
AtmospherePromotes an open, airy ambianceCan create a sense of clutter and confinement

Potential Drawbacks to Pool Maintenance and Usability

While a pool can be a place of respite and leisure, its maintenance often brings its own set of concerns, particularly when it comes to the use of pool covers. The debate over whether or not to use a pool cover extends from aesthetics to practicality, with various drawbacks of covering your pool that need to be taken into account. These include the labor involved in handling manual covers, the investment required for automated systems, and the challenges related to storing these sizable items. In reconsidering the use of pool covers, one must weigh the pool cover disadvantages against the presumed benefits.

Challenges with Manual and Automated Pool Covers

For pool owners, the manual effort required to handle pool covers can be a significant deterrent. The cost benefits of manual covers quickly diminish when one considers the time and strain involved in their deployment and removal—a process that can hamper the spontaneous use of the pool. Meanwhile, automated covers, though they tilt the scales towards convenience, can lead to substantial financial burden upfront and over time. Expenses can multiply with the need for maintenance and repairs, especially when exposed to harsh conditions such as the weight of heavy snow, leading some to question why not to use a pool cover even when it promises technological ease and protection.

Spatial Considerations for Pool Cover Storage

The practicalities of pool cover storage also present a significant challenge. The need to allocate space for the cumbersome and often expansive covers can be a major concern, especially in urban residential areas where space is scarce. Custom pool owners face an even tougher situation. Unique pool shapes require custom-fitted covers that are not widely available and can be significantly more expensive. Such an investment not only has financial implications but also amplifies the spatial drawback, as these specialized covers can demand even more storage area. When reflecting on these considerations, the necessity and efficiency of pool covers, amidst their potential drawbacks, become a pivotal part of the decision-making process for any pool owner.


What are the disadvantages of using a pool cover?

Disadvantages of using a pool cover include reduced aesthetic appeal, manual covers being cumbersome to use, the high cost of automatic covers, the requirement for substantial storage space, difficulties in finding bespoke options for custom pool shapes, and risks of overheating and damage due to weather conditions like heavy snow.

Why might someone want to avoid pool covers?

People might want to avoid pool covers because they can detract from the visual appeal of their pool area, require effort to put on and take off if manual, or if automatic, the significant initial investment and potential for additional maintenance costs. Covers also need space to be stored when not in use, which can be inconvenient for some pool owners.

What are the cons and risks associated with pool covers?

The cons and risks associated with pool covers include the likelihood of making the pool area less attractive, handling difficulties particularly with manual varieties, the expenses involved with the purchase and operation of automatic systems, the necessity for ample storage room, and the potential for reduced durability under certain environmental conditions.

Can pool covers have a negative impact on the aesthetics of my outdoor space?

Yes, pool covers can sometimes have a negative impact on the aesthetics of your outdoor space. They may cover the shimmering water that adds to the beauty of your garden and can be an eyesore if the cover doesn’t complement the overall design of your outdoor area.

What drawbacks do pool covers present to maintaining and using my pool?

Drawbacks to pool maintenance and usability include the laborious process of removing and applying manual covers, and the costs associated with automated covers. There’s also the challenge of finding suitable cover storage which can be particularly problematic for those who lack extra space or have custom-shaped pools that require specialized covers.

How do automated and manual pool covers differ in terms of challenges?

Automated pool covers offer convenience at the expense of a higher initial cost and potential for greater long-term maintenance expenses due to mechanical wear and environmental damage. Manual pool covers, while less expensive, can be physically demanding to maneuver and time-consuming to apply and remove, which can discourage regular pool use.

What should I consider in terms of storage space for a pool cover?

When considering a pool cover, it’s important to ensure you have adequate storage space for when the cover is not in use. Large, bulky covers can take up considerable room, and without proper storage solutions, they can become unwieldy and create clutter in your outdoor area.