designer pool covers A pool with lounge chairs and a gazebo.

Should a pool cover touch the water?

Many people wonder, should a pool cover actually touch the water? It’s important to know that, yes, a pool cover should rest on the water. This article will guide you through why this is essential and how it can protect your pool.

We’ll provide tips for choosing the right cover and maintaining the correct water level. Dive in to find out more!

Key Takeaways

  • Pool covers need to touch the water to support themselves, which stops too much water and dirt from collecting on top.
  • Having the cover in contact with the water also keeps your pool clean and warm by stopping evaporation and letting sunlight heat the water.
  • Choose a pool cover that fits your pool size correctly to ensure it can properly do its job of protecting the pool.
  • Make sure your pool has the right amount of water before covering it. This helps during weather changes like rain or snow.
  • To keep your cover working well, remove excess water or leaves often. Use tools like pumps, brooms, or leaf blowers for this task.

Should a Pool Cover Touch the Water?

A well-maintained pool with a pool cover touching the water.
Should a pool cover touch the water? 3

A pool cover does indeed need to touch the water. This contact provides essential support, preventing excess water and debris from accumulating on top of the cover. It also plays a crucial role in safety, reducing the risk of drowning by ensuring that the cover doesn’t create pockets where someone could get trapped.

Ensuring your pool cover touches the water helps maintain a clean pool by keeping out unwanted materials. At the same time, it aids in conserving water through evaporation reduction and keeps algae at bay by limiting sunlight exposure.

For these reasons, proper installation is key to making sure your pool stays protected and efficient throughout its use.

Why Pool Covers Need to Touch the Water

A pool cover touches the water in a clean pool environment.
Should a pool cover touch the water? 4

Pool covers play a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and temperature of your swimming pool. They need to touch the water for support, allowing enough slack to deal with both water and debris effectively.

This contact prevents sagging and ensures that leaves, twigs, and other unwanted materials don’t accumulate on top. If these elements were to gather on a taut surface away from the water, they could create excess weight.

This might lead to damage not only to the cover but also pose potential safety hazards.

Solar pool covers offer an added benefit by touching the water – heat absorption. They work by capturing sunlight and transferring this energy directly into the pool water, warming it up efficiently.

For this process to occur seamlessly, direct contact between the cover and the water’s surface is essential. Without it, you’d lose out on free heating courtesy of the sun, thereby making your pool less inviting during cooler days or evenings.

Plus, a well-positioned cover helps maintain warmth overnight when temperatures drop.

Choosing the Right Size Pool Cover

Selecting the appropriate pool cover size is essential for maximum coverage and protection. Your pool’s dimensions directly influence which cover to choose. Manufacturers often add extra material, accounting for upturn and shrinkage.

This means precise water level measurements ensure a perfect fit.

Mesh covers adapt well to various shapes thanks to their stretchability, offering a versatile solution. On the other hand, solid pool covers provide rigidity and are usually custom-made to match your pool’s exact specifications.

It’s crucial to consider both options carefully, keeping in mind factors like ease of use and how each type supports clean water maintenance efforts.

The Right Water Levels When Covering Your Pool

Keeping the right water levels in your pool is key for proper maintenance and safety. It’s crucial that the water supports the cover, especially during heavy snowfall or rainfall. This prevents any excess weight from damaging it.

Your pool shouldn’t be too full or too empty. Aim for a level that just touches the underside of the cover.

Climate plays a big role in managing your pool’s water levels. Areas with lots of rain or snow need durable covers and careful attention to water height. This helps in debris prevention and ensures your swimming area remains safe and clean throughout the seasons.

Always adjust according to weather forecasts, preparing for unexpected changes to keep everything secure and functioning well.

How to Remove Excess Water on Top of the Pool Cover

Removing excess water from atop your pool cover is crucial to its longevity. It prevents strain and potential tearing due to the weight.

  1. Use a submersible pump – Place it in the centre of the pool cover. This tool efficiently sucks up water and can be directed away from your pool area, ensuring water conservation.
  2. Sweep with a broom – For smaller puddles, gently push them towards the edge of the pool cover. This method helps if you cannot use a pump.
  3. Employ a leaf blower for dry debris – When there’s no water but leaves and twigs, switch on your leaf blower. It clears the cover without needing to touch it.
  4. Pool rake for wet leaves – Wet debris becomes heavy and harder to remove with a blower. A long – handled pool rake can gather them without you stepping onto the cover.
  5. Adjust your pool’s water level – Before installing the cover, ensure the water is at an ideal height to support it without causing excessive sagging or stretching.
  6. Check for damage regularly – Small rips can become big problems over time. Spot – checking allows for timely repairs before next season.
  7. Trim excess cover material – Following installation instructions, trim any surplus to prevent unwanted water collection pockets from forming at the edges.


Pool covers should indeed rest on the water surface. This support helps manage changes in water level, preventing damage from excess weight or debris. By choosing the right cover and maintaining correct water levels, you ensure safety and efficiency.

Furthermore, removing extra water atop is key to a clean pool come swimming season. Remember, for optimal protection and maintenance, let your pool cover lightly touch the water — it’s all about balance!

For more guidance on selecting the appropriate dimensions for your swimming pool cover, kindly visit our comprehensive guide here.


1. Should a pool cover touch the water?

A pool cover should not touch the water, as it can accumulate debris and allow algae growth.

2. Will a pool cover prevent evaporation if it touches the water?

No, if a pool cover touches the water, it will not effectively prevent evaporation.

3. Can a pool cover be adjusted to avoid touching the water?

Yes, a pool cover can be adjusted to ensure it does not make direct contact with the water surface.

4. What problems may arise if a pool cover touches the water?

If a pool cover touches the water, it can lead to mold and mildew formation along with increased cleaning requirements for the pool.

5. How can I maintain my pool cover to prevent it from touching the water?

Regularly inspect and adjust your pool cover to keep it from coming into contact with the water surface.

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